Xchat recently played tracks from last.fm
Xchat recently played tracks from last.fm.
import xchat
import feedparser
LASTFM_USER = 'wiliamsouza83'
URL = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/%s/recenttracks.rss' % LASTFM_USER
def do_request(word, word_eol, userdata):
if len(word) < 2:
xchat.command('help LISTEN')
elif not isinstance(int(word[1]), int):
print 'Second arg must be an int!'
rss = feedparser.parse(URL)
for n in range(int(word[1])):
xchat.command('me listen %s' % rss['entries'][n]['link'])
return xchat.EAT_ALL
help='/LISTEN [number]. Show the latest played track from last.fm.')